Allergy Immunotherapy Services

Welcome to Premium Healthcare's Allergy Immunotherapy Services


At Premium Healthcare, our Allergy Immunotherapy Services are designed to provide effective and long-term relief for individuals suffering from allergies. Led by experienced allergists and immunologists, our services focus on personalized treatment plans that address the root cause of allergies and enhance the body’s immune response.

What is Allergy Immunotherapy?

Allergy Immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots, is a medical treatment that involves administering small amounts of allergens to desensitize the immune system. This gradual exposure helps the body build tolerance to specific allergens, reducing or eliminating allergic reactions over time.

Our Expert Team

Our team of board-certified allergists and immunologists specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies. With a commitment to precision and patient comfort, our experts tailor allergy immunotherapy plans to address individual sensitivities and provide long-lasting relief.

Services Offered


Allergy Testing

Undergo comprehensive allergy testing to identify specific allergens triggering your symptoms. This information guides the personalized formulation of allergy immunotherapy.

Animal Allergy Concept. Sick African American girl sneezing and holding tissue, ill kid suffering from nasal congestion and runny nose caused by her dog, sitting on sofa at home

Subcutaneous Immunotherapy (SCIT)

Experience traditional allergy shots administered subcutaneously to gradually desensitize the immune system. SCIT is effective for various allergens, including pollen, pet dander, and insect venom.

Picture of a teenager sneezing in a tissue in the living room

Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)

Explore sublingual allergy drops as an alternative to shots. SLIT involves placing drops containing allergens under the tongue, providing a convenient and needle-free option for some patients.

Woman sneezing allergic to domestic cat fur. Female sitting on bed, sneezing in handkerchief, large red cat lying on bed near owner

Customized Treatment Plans

Our allergists create personalized treatment plans based on your specific allergy profile, ensuring that the immunotherapy approach aligns with your individual needs and sensitivities.

Benefits of Allergy Immunotherapy

    • Long-Term Relief: Allergy immunotherapy aims to provide lasting relief from allergy symptoms, reducing the need for ongoing medication use.
    • Preventive Effect: By addressing the underlying cause of allergies, immunotherapy can prevent the development of new allergies and the progression of allergic diseases.
    • Improved Quality of Life: Many individuals experience a significant improvement in their overall quality of life, with fewer symptoms and a reduced reliance on symptomatic medications.

Why Choose Premium Healthcare for Allergy Immunotherapy?

    • Expert Allergists and Immunologists: Our team includes experienced specialists in allergy diagnosis and treatment.
    • Personalized Approach: We tailor allergy immunotherapy plans to each patient’s specific allergen sensitivities.
    • Patient Education: Receive thorough education about the immunotherapy process, expected outcomes, and ongoing care.

Take the First Step Towards Allergy Relief

Prioritize your allergy relief with Premium Healthcare’s Allergy Immunotherapy Services. Contact us to schedule an appointment and embark on a journey towards a life with fewer allergy symptoms and improved well-being.