Back, Neck, and Spine

At Premium Healthcare, we specialize in diagnosing and treating all types of neck, back, and spine issues.

An injury to the back, neck, or spine can cause significant discomfort and prevent you from participating in many of the things you enjoy. Injuries and conditions affecting the back, neck, and spine can cause a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, some of which are listed below.

Premium Healthcare Medical Center provides expert, caring treatment for patients with back, neck, or spine discomfort.


Neck Back and Spine Doctor

The Florida neck, back, and spine doctors at Premium Healthcare can identify the cause of your neck or back pain. From there, we will collaborate with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that will improve your quality of life.

Neck Back and Spine Doctor South Florida

Debilitating back and neck discomfort can make it difficult to enjoy life to the fullest. The Florida neck, back, and spine doctors at Premium Healthcare provide a variety of nonsurgical and surgical treatments for pain.

You may find that pain medication and physical therapy are sufficient to alleviate your discomfort. If surgery is required, like in the case of degenerative disc disease or an injury, you can rely on our Florida neck, back, and spine doctors to propose the safest and most efficient procedures to get you moving again.

Premium Healthcare offers cutting-edge treatment options to help patients find relief from discomfort to the back, neck, or spine. To learn more about back, neck, or spine injury treatment, please visit our book appointment page or call us now at (305) 265-4441.