Leukemia and Lymphoma Society: Student Visionaries of The Year

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society: Student Visionaries of The Year

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society: Student Visionaries of The Year

Miami-Dade Youth Pioneering Blood Cancer Awareness and Advocacy in South Florida

Blood cancer accounts for about 10% of all diagnosed cancers in the United States. Most commonly diagnosed in children 5 years old or younger, leukemia is characterized as a blood cancer caused by a mutation in a person’s DNA due to an abnormal and excessive reproduction of white blood cells.

Studies show that every 3 minutes, one person in the United States is diagnosed with blood cancer.

Survival rates for blood cancer vary by type and stage. Below is a list of the most common types of blood cancer and the 5-year survival rate for those 20 years older and younger: 

      • Leukemia: 89%
      • Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: 91.3%
      • Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: Between 97% – 99%
      • Myeloma: 84%

    Although blood cancer can affect anyone, certain types are more common in males. Additionally, leukemia affects people of all ages. In fact, childhood leukemia accounts for about 25% of all childhood cancers diagnosed. This is the primary driving factor that sparked Team CUREageous Fighters’ desire for blood cancer awareness and advocacy. 


    Team CUREageous Fighters

    Three young minds have been taking action to help those affected by leukemia and lymphoma by joining the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Student Visionaries of the Year Campaign.

    The CUREageous Fighters team is led by the remarkable efforts of Jennifer Hoover who was a team member for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Students of the Year Campaign last year. She was inducted into the 5K Club and the Student Hall of Fame for her fundraising efforts. This year, she plans to use her interest and experience with the legal and political fields to promote advocacy for new legislation regarding blood cancer treatment.  

    However, the CUREageous Fighters team would not be complete without the leadership of Ella Morejon and Victoria Vasquez. Their interests in the legal and medical fields have driven the team to more fundraising opportunities and further community awareness.

    Creating awareness and promoting advocacy for this deadly illness is no easy task, but the CUREageous Fighters have accepted the challenge and are focused on achieving their goal of raising $25,000.

    Community Support

    While the CUREageous fighters continue their work toward life-saving results, they can count on the continued support of the community, especially the Premium Healthcare Multi-Specialty Medical Centers. 

    Within the past 6 years of providing unparalleled medical care to the community, the providers at Premium Healthcare have diagnosed over 25 cases of leukemia or other types of blood cancer. 

    At the moment, Premium Healthcare does not facilitate an oncology department, but they do refer patients diagnosed with blood cancers to the most knowledgeable specialists for continued care.

    Premium Healthcare believes in supportive care for blood cancer treatment and offers patients further assistance with IV treatments to aid in body recovery. Please be sure to schedule an appointment and the providers will discuss if IV treatment is the best option for you.

    Your Help

    If you choose to make a donation to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Student Visionaries of the Year Campaign, please follow this link.

    Be sure to bring the email receipt of your donation to your next appointment at Premium Healthcare, and we will give you a free Vitamin B12 boost as a thank-you for helping our community.

    Link for donation

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